100DaysOfGameDev: Day 2

Day two wasn't much different from Day 1. I continued reading the book and supposedly it may take me several more days to finish, considering it's 1000+ pages:) Today, I read about how to deal with pointers and pointer arithmetic. Then, I touched on the array-to-pointer relationship crap, where an array usually means “the pointer to the first element” thing. If everything was not already bad, it becomes worse with two-dimensional arrays, where > you cannot really do void some_function(int m[][]), when passing arrays > and have to go with void some_function(int** m) and other syntactically weird things. Then it talks about const, when used to tell that value is initialized once, or if the pointer is constant resulting in this absolutely beautiful creature const char *const cp. Almost forgot to tell you about raw strings which was probably one of nicer things from the crowd, allowing users to write more readable regular expressions.