Hello there, Unai here with my 1st day of 100 days of Game Developing! First of all, this is my 3rd day xd
My main objective is to work everyday on a game prototype of mine at least 1 hour. Probably some days I'll work on some other game prototypes, or whatever, but I am going to try to stay on focused only on one project at a time.
The game idea is a Tower Defense based in a mountain pass. During the day you manage your base, build new defences and improve your production facilities, and at night you see how they defend them.
You can control almost any character/defense you see in the game.
So well, I said this is my 3rd day, I don't know why but I find it super hard to actually write this down. I'm gonna do a very fast recap of my progress so far:
Day 1: Started the project, I'm gonna be using Unreal. Started with the camera movement of the city mode, my plan is to make first the transition between camera mode and NPC control.
Day 2: Continued with city view controller, almost finishe. I've been following some YT tutorials on it and I'll probably use them a lot in the future. Also started playing a bit with landscape painting. Broke the sky and lightining someway... don't know why.
Day 3: I feel confident enough right now with the camera movement in the city mode, so I did the beggining of the change between NPC view and City View.
As a side note, I have two thoughts: 1. I find it very hard to actually write this things, and also sometimes to do this 1h work. Because I don't count the work I do for other courses, and I'm also doing 30' of writing everyday... hope I can keep up. I think after the first week it should become easier, but I feel like then it is going to be the hardest... Fingers crossed. 2. I really should sit down some day and think about the scope of the game...
Unai Pérez Tubía Madrid, Spain (now in Sweden!)
@unai_pepe almost everywhere