An Imbolc Invocation
We Circle with our kin in the abundance
and joyous fullness of the moon,
to celebrate the ways in which the world
speaks comfort and inspiration to us
in a simple pagan tongue.
Strong and bold in their company, we Circle tonight with our Elemental kin
Element of Earth in a crystal, that we may remember to help others.
Element of Air in the clarion voice of a bell, to honor to the ancestors.
Element of Fire in the power of light and warmth in the dark and cold of the year.
Element of Water in an empty chalice as a prayer for the future.
And a silver mirror,
that She may see Her face,
and revel in Her ample beauty
as we do.
Goddess of women, Goddess of night
we ask You help us remain open to simple truths,
help us remember we are all interconnected parts of a greater whole,
and let us not be deafened or distracted by our accomplishments and aspirations.
We humbly beseech You take our cynicism and despair with You as You wane.
This is Imbolc, a time of subtleties.
The earth’s dance with the sun begins to lengthen our days.
At once winter’s harsh bite in our lungs
and spring’s first whisper soft, ephemeral warmth
flickering on our eyelids.
Gaia, Great Goddess, Mother of us all
we ask that You give us the strength
not to let our grief take our hope,
nor let our fear take our curiosity.
Our energy begins to stir
with Yours, in anticipation.
Weeks of hard freeze and bitter wind
have taught us endurance,
a single day of softening,
has taught us hope,
that new life is immanent.
We ask that through You, we connect with each other
in deeply meaningful ways,
that we hang on to each other through these dreary times,
Great Goddess, we ask that You help us open ourselves to possibility,
to intuition, and to empathy.
We Circle with our kin in the abundance
and joyful fullness of the moon,
free to fly through the night
and seek what secrets we may
in the brilliance of the long shadows.
Blessed Be and Merry Meet
Let no harm come to any in this Circle
or by its workings.
As a seasonal bonus, we wanted to send along an Imbolc ritual to you. It’s a little something to help us all refresh and reset ourselves for the coming summer turn. This is spring cleaning in its spiritual sense.
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Graphic design by AJ Brown | |
Some images are through Creative Commons License and we would thank all of those creators if we could find their names.
With this Imbolc ritual MoonLit offers its gratitude to the Great Goddess, to Gaia, Mother Earth, for the subtle turning of the seasons.
And as always, Al and I are both very grateful to the people who read our work. You are what makes all this worthwhile.
Terryl Warnock is an eccentric with a happy heart who lives on the outskirts of town with her cat. She is known as an essayist, proof reader, editor, maker of soap, and proud pagan. A lifetime student, she has pursued science, religion, and sustainable communities. This, plus life experience from the local community service to ski instructor, from forest service worker to DMV supervisor, from hospitality to business owner gives her a broad view on the world.
Terryl is the author of:The Miracle du jour, ISBN-10: 0989469859, ISBN-13 : 978-0-9894698-5-2
AJ Brown, in a past life, was an embedded systems engineer (digital design engineer). He worked on new product designs from hard disk controllers, communication protocols, and link encryptors to battery monitors for electric cars.
A few years ago he surrendered his spot on the freeway to someone else. Now he is more interested in sailing, building out his live-in bus for travel, and supporting the idea of full-circle food: the propagation, growth, harvest, storage, preparation, and preservation of healthy sustenance. He is a strong supporter of Free/Libre Open Source Software[F/LOSS] and is willing to help most anyone in their quest to use it.
Together, we are MoonLit Press.