100DaysOfGameDev: Day 40

Woah! Already 40 days have passed. Today I continued working on the ray tracer project. Firstly, since my project is not so complicated yet only three files, I decided to simplify the output structure, so instead of having ./out/build directory structure, I switched to simple ./out. Secondly, I implemented very basic vec3 class it's utilities, since it is impractical to do computer graphics without it:) It has three components, operator overloading for clean calculation, length, dot product, and cross product operations. It was fun to write down the cross product formula of top off my head, felt kinda empowered. Finally, fixed a tiny bug, where I would write out final status “Done!” into an image file. I have no clue how image was not corrupt and apps could open it. That's it for today! I do not have visual update, so will not include any files. You can see full commit here.