100DaysOfGameDev: Day 30

Today's topic covered different uses of inheritance to improve the design of the system. Not gonna go deep since it was standard concepts like multiple-interface inheritance, which is also present in Java. Then, it was the factory pattern example. The concepts were explained in the graphical user interface design. Since I have a long history with UI programming in games I was curious to see if there are other efficient ways of implementing stuff, that I haven't thought of, or ones that are C++ specific, however, it was pretty standard stuff. The only different thing was the use of a multiple-implementation inheritance, which is not allowed in Java and I believe is pretty clunky in C++. The author highlights that it can be confusing and hard to use it, however, he at the same time brought an example of a once-existing satellite program that was convenient to write using multiple-implementation inheritance. I would argue it would be better to use aggregation in those cases, although I am no C++ pro and cannot say for sure. That's it for today, see you tomorrow!