100DaysOfGameDev: Day 24

More Unreal Engine today! Watched how to customize materials with a normal map, roughness, and metallic maps, and also how to create master material. As expected UE gives a lot of customizability achieved by exposing variables for quick tweaking. Next was one of the biggest strengths of UE 5, the Lumen lighting system, which allows for real-time global illumination and reflection and cool shadows. Also, the old way ( old doesn't mean bad in any way ) baking the light and shadow maps were presented. The guy also managed to explain the different types of lights within UE such as directional light, point light, cone light, and box light. Pretty standard stuff, so far. The next topic was terrain creation, which for now seems similar to what Unity has to offer. Today, it was only learning, but tomorrow I will probably instead try to replicate everything I've learned these two days from memory on my laptop and see how it goes. That's it for today, see you!