100DaysOfGameDev: Day 12

Can we agree at this point that C++ is a joke thing? However, that is a rhetorical question, since most programmers already agree that it is, including senior C++ developers. The only people who consider it good language are C++ devs with inflated egos who do not want to face the truth, who spent years of their valuable time making projects in it and couldn't think of something better. As if the ballon encapsulating the meaning of their life would pop and cease to exist, opposite to the big bang that materialized it in the first place. I am studying C++ to make games, and I will not miss a chance to rant about it and or tell how bad it is. In practice it is solving the issues, that it created in the first place. Anyway, it got philosophical very quickly, and I wait for the day when there will be better game development facilities to make games without much risk. And returning back to the topic of the game series! Today's topics were exceptions and error handling in C++. It talked about how superior are the exception handling facilities in C++ with try and catch, compared to other means of handling exceptional cases in the program. It argued that everything else sucks and the world would have been a better place if everything was done this way in the beginning, at the same time ignoring the fact, that the world would have been a better place without C++ in the first place. Anyhow, it mentioned the “other error handling ways” mostly done in C, arguing that if are working with archaic(irony) software, that already has its own exception-handling mechanism, then we have to adapt. It showed three popular means of doing it that are used by most applications and talked about each of their advantages and disadvantages. That is it for today, this chapter is rather large, so I will also cover it tomorrow. See you by then!